QiGong Healing

imagesQiGong has been part of Chinese culture for over 4000 years. QiGong is an art to cultivate, balance and circulate our energy or chi , or life essence for maintaining health and promoting healing when needed. It is important that energy life force flows freely especially to places in our body when needed most in time of sickness. Any energetic blockages in our energy meridians and electrical circuit would create energetic imbalance and health issues. Daily self-care QiGong exercises are recommended to maintain the energy flow.

imgresIn summary, energy therapies focus on removing energy congestion and disturbances in the body . Once these congestion and imbalances are removed and cleared, the energy channels will resume their task of integrating the body, mind and soul to restore health and promote healing. It may also help to prevent future issues with routine self-care.


imagesA drawing by Alex Crey from the Sacred Mirror showing the energy system in our body:
1) The Aura, also called the bio-field, or electromagnetic field. 2) The 7 chakras or vortex. 3) Energy meridians running throughout our body supporting and balancing the physical body


Here’s a short video demostrating QiGong exercise for daily self care: